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Make Reading More Accessible

Large print is a simple accessibility solution finding younger readers, from Gen Z who need a break from screen time to English Learners.

Every month, Thorndike Press publishes over 80 titles ranging from romance, mystery, thriller, and crime to nonfiction, fantasy, sci-fi, and Christian fiction. We work with a diverse group of librarian advisors to select books featuring Black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Indigenous, and Latine experiences.

A thoughtfully diversified large print collection shows your library is cognizant of community needs in both content and format. Our books are easy on the eyes and help increase the joy of reading.

All large print titles are available for purchase; select titles are available through lease programs.


Featured Titles


Middle School Reading Specialist Viewpoint on Large Print

Bernice Homel, a middle school reading specialist, explains how large print books make a positive impact on her students.


Hear the Difference Reading Large Print Makes

Listen to a 7th grade student, identified as needing reading support, read from regular and large print formats.


Tips & Tricks: Integrate Large Print Into Your Collection

Learn how one middle school librarian successfully integrated large print books into her collection and how she introduces the format to her students.

Baker & Taylor